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Life is moving quickly.
I didn’t write anything in June although there were many things to share.
Grand children in transition and moving away. That is hard for a grandparent’s heart.
It certainly puts our prayer life in an active state.
It was also the anniversary of my sister’s death. June was also a birthday for my other sister.
I have another sister I have not met in person, but we do keep in contact.
Also, I have a very special cousin who is just like a sister to me.
As the month moved on and July came it was a natural transition from cooler weather to hot.
The beach is often our getaway place, Oregon has the most beautiful beaches and water ways.
The water is not warm, but the beauty makes up for it.
We went down to the southern Oregon coast in our trailer with some very good friends.
It was a nice time of camping and sharing,
That is why we bought the trailer so we can go and still have access to a bathroom and our own bed.
Yes, I am very picky about my sleeping arrangements.
It won’t be too long before we will see the changes outside.
I saw on the news that the sunset will be coming earlier each week.
As I age every day has a certain amount of challenges.
Health issues are often the central focus.
We are grateful for good days and thankful for the strength, to press forward on bad days.
“This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
I will always tell myself; it could be worse so complaining is not an option.
July is here and we have focused on our freedom, God bless America and our patriotic spirits.
I don’t get tired of all that. EVER.
Each day is a blessing as life is moving quickly.