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Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won’t lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you.
Keep company with me and you will learn to live freely and lightly. Matthew 11:28-29-30

I love this verse.
First of all it sets the stage for us to listen. “Learn” and trust.
Then HE promises us nothing will come at us that is not within our ability to over come, so long as we keep HIS company.
When we have friends we want to spend time with them.
When we know and love the Lord, we want to spend time with him too.
Within this verse.
He is setting the stage for us to ‘keep company’ with him, walk with Him and learn from Him.
He being the Lord Jesus.
He promises we will learn that doesn’t mean, maybe, but we WILL learn so long as we have to keep an open mindset.
The unforced rhythms of Grace.
What does that mean?
I think it is a slow progression.
Rhythms are repetitive, like in music, over and over or like the waves of the sea.
A slow learning, a deep quiet of intentional listening.
A trust that nothing will be so difficult that we cannot make it through without HIS help.
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I trusted in the process before me.
It was important for me to center in and not allow fear to over power me.
As we get closer to Thanksgiving and the holidays, I pray we learn a quiet peaceful place.
Deep within our hearts.It allows a slow ministering kind of healing.
The grace is given not because we deserve it or have done anything to have it given to us.
HE gives us grace because that is the KIND of loving Father He is to us. It is a gift.
Learn, means to be open, and be ready to receive, may we grow strong in this process as we learn the unforced rhythms of grace.