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It’s hard for me to believe I have not written in a few weeks.
Life has been crazy busy with getting ready to move and packing boxes and going through old ‘memories’.
I will return with good words and thoughts as soon as I get settled and the boxes are unpacked.
Many things have been looked at, gone through and removed.
I am able to say, “take it away”, without a lot of regret.
It is a good feeling but we are still taking too much and in time I will go through it all one more time.
Moving has been an exercise of discipline and also determination.
It has been very hard and very fast.
Our house sold in three weeks then we had fourteen days to find another one.
We found a small one and it will work well for us.
Single level, no stairs, in a senior community.
Not the one we originally wanted but it will be fine and a good fit we hope.
So much will change, so much will be different and new.
New is ok. It is good to shake the comfort zone sometimes.
I am a creature of familiar things and I really don’t like change.
So this will be a journey of many levels. Grief included.
Saying good bye to our community, our neighbors and familiar stores.
It will be hard, and very stretching. My cats are even a bit disturbed.
If you pray we could use some right now. The days are often filled with overwhelm.
Where do I start and where do I stop and how is it ever going to be done?
Change is good.