Today’s word prompt is something I struggle with in a lot of areas of my life.
When you come from a home that often was broken you learn that trust is not high on your list.
It reflects a lot of areas in your life as young person and then later as a older mature person.
Trust does not come easy for me.
In marriage one has to learn to trust each other and to allow each other to grow and stretch and make decisions for the goal of your dreams together.
That is not an easy process for we were married young and I entered into the context of marriage with many years of broken words.
Learning to trust was a process only God could do deep into my heart.
Yes we had times when trust was broken and I learned ‘the message’ in my head was counterproductive to the ‘healing’ God wanted me to have in this new relationship.
We are heading into our 42nd year of marriage and trust has to be part of that process.
Many times those who were supposed to stand up for me and be my advocate failed to do that.
In marriage, we stand up for each other and we are the voice of encouragement, faith and hope when the world around us often does not share that thought. says trust is: reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety of a person. Confidence – confident expectation of something, hope.
A person of whom one relies on – God is my trust.
Obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence is placed.
Trust… such a serious, relational word.
I would love to hear some of your thoughts on this ‘very challenging’ topic.