Three years and six days after our son’s third birthday our second baby joined our family..
She arrived on her own schedule with very little pain and very short labor.
A precious little girl, we named her Sarah Kathleen.
Tiny just 5 pounds 10 ounces and with a touch of dark hair. Such a surprise and delight.
We now had a son and a daughter and believe me Christopher was thrilled she came AFTER his birthday.
A baby girl to dress in pink, in lace and in cute shoes and tiny socks trimmed in ruffles.
Our lives had been completed with both of our children.
It wasn’t easy to be a young couple with two little ones, in fact the house we lived in was very tiny.
Christopher’s room was one crib length wide and two crib lengths long. Sarah slept on a dresser in our cradle.
Our tiny home was where we all stayed for a few short months then we moved into a townhouse apartment.
Having two children was an adjustment and our little family was settling in just as good as any young couple.
The years of raising children kept us busy as grade school moved into junior high then in high school when you wanted to be a cheerleader.
We supported you as always and you came to your own independent self as you grew into a beautiful wonderful mom of three lovely girls.
We are very proud of all that you have done to give them a wonderful home and life together.
They are sisters, and they are a precious part of our lives as grand parents.
Thirty nine years ago you joined our family and Sarah you have been a blessing and joy to us always.
We are proud of you, we pray for you, we support you always and of course love you.
When you look into the mirror always remember you are beautiful and you are loved.